​​​​Community ​​​​​Development is a multi-disciplinary department providing a range of development services. ​Our department​ ensures that all development is consistent with State Law and Building Codes. We work together to protect life and property, while improving quality of life and the environment.

Development Fee Increases
Sign Up to Receive Development Fee Increase ​Notice Email Updates​​​​.

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Development News

Building Assistance Center Downtown Parking
Bring parking stub to Building Assistance Center - Downtown counter for one hour validated parking at 725 7th Street County Parking Garage.

Do You Have Rental Property in Sacramento County?
Learn what to expect for the first steps of the Sacramento County Rental Property Audit Process.

Clean Energy Financing for SacCounty​​ Homes & Businesses   
Finance mechanism tied to the property rather than the individual to implement energy efficiency projects. Learn more about Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE). 

Did You K​now?

Code Enforcement responded to 6,000+ citizen requests for investigation last year; resulting in cleaner, safer, and more economically viable properties in the unincorporated County.

Code Enforcement conducted Neighborhood Revitalization Inspection projects, including ​Perry Ave, Roosevelt Ave along the Stockton Blvd corridor, and the Avenues neighborhood along the Franklin Blvd corridor. There were 300 properties that were inspected resulting in 85 violation cases created to fight blight in our communities.

Code Enforcement, in collaboration with our enforcement partners (BPI, Sheriff, Planning Business Licensing) shut down 100 marijuana distribution businesses in unincorporated Sacramento County.